Friday, January 24, 2020

Patriarchal Terrorism :: Domestic Violence, Control

Patriarchal Terrorism is general need to control a relationship. It is violence exclusively initiated by men as a way of gaining and maintaining absolute control over their female partner. (Shehan, 2003) The second form of couple violence, is common couple violence, is less a product of patriarchy. (Johnson, 1995) Patriarchal terrorism does exist today. Differences do not exist in intimate violence based on social class, education level, race / ethnicity or sexual orientation. Intimate violence is violence that occurs between two people in a relationship. It includes four types of behaviors: physical abuse, sexual abuse, threats, and emotional abuse. The longer the abuse goes on the longer it will affect the victim. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006) Partner violence occurs in all countries, social, economic, religious and cultural boundaries. (Shehan, 2003) I have observed couples with good communication and poor communication and intimacy. Dr. Gottman and his coll eagues created recommendations, tactics, and strategies for couples with poor communication, intimacy and conflict problems. There is not a specific time or date when family violence began. But social scientist began studying family violence in the United States in the 1960’s. (Shehan, 2003) In the United States, the way in which children were punished for breaking the rules was often semi-violent or violent behavior. Violence was there when there was no family system. Violence comes in many forms physical, mental, emotion and sexual. Family violence involves domestic violence. During the women’s movement public awareness of the domestic abuse problem became known. The first shelter for battered women was open in 1974 and the shelter led to many opening of other shelters and domestic violence programs. By the 1990’s law enforcement stated to view domestic violence as a serious issue. Police protocol changed and arrest were being made. According to the National Survey violence in one relationship leads to violence in another relationship. (Shehan, 2003) Families provide training ground s for violence. If children see violence in their home they are mostly to portray violence in their everyday lives. Child abuse and maltreatment includes physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, in addition to neglect. Displays of child abuse and neglect include injuries inflicted by a child giver, head injury, and injury to organs. Head trauma is the leading cause of death in children. According to the World Health Organization, there were an estimated 57, 000 deaths attributed to homicide among children under 15 years of age in 2000.

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